
Don't Judge . Just Read .

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Diving is funn (:

3rd Dive (:

Today was freakinggly awesome ,before we wnt diving at Shark Point , we were given some tests.These test is required for us to get our Diving liscence.We have to get at least 75% to pass the test otherwise we'd have to take it again.  Suprisingly, i got 86% which is an A(: okay, honestly, i DID cheated a LITTLE from my dad. WHAAT? he gave ME the answers :) lol, alaah, it was just about 6 questions ;D i didn't do anything wrong.i mean, i followed ustazah's advice "lebih baik tiru daripada tak buat :)" so i did . Ngehehehe   .We did some snorkeling first, i looked down and there were like 5 schools of fishes around me. At a moment there, i felt as if i was the Snow White of the sea xDD lmao !  . we did some basic skills and went exploring the underwater First, we went on controlling our buoyancy. that's the most important ;) then we went divingg (: 
I saw a shark, it was really big , i mean, REALLY! 
then i saw a sunken piano . haha, seriously, i almost shouted and let go of my regulator when i saw it xD i played it  but the keys were falling off (: there were even fishes coming toward us .
then we dived even deeper. John brought us to this one place, it was empty i meant, there was almost nothing but a little plant on the ground. John asked us to get closer so we did . then he put his hand out . at first i thought he was retarded.haha! Suddenly there's like little shrimp jumping on his hand. then it jumped on mine .i felt a little tinggly feeling (: on the surface, i asked john what it was . John said they were the Cleaning Shrimps. they clean our hands. John said they were giving us free manicures ^^ anyway, then we saw two giant turtles MATE-ing ! but we disturbed them. Sorry turtles ! 

Friday, 27 May 2011

Its a Blog. Not a Diary

LOL. i love my awesome crappy friends ;)

Faer (Y)

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

A Tkc Tour =='

Hah, hey there, we meet again, 

i just knew that , Nazhan,Airul,Kentang,and a dude named Alif Haikal.yeah,
they went to my school today, and guess what, tadaah. they found my BEAUTIFUL locker

Whattafak man ?! College was supposed to TERBALIKKAN the locker =='
memalukan, dah lah they snapped a picture of it xD
Somehow it became funny x) 

(sorry i took your picture,Nazhan)

HAHA, there, dah lah Peanut Butter tu ada, lupa nak buang,.
Alah, lagi pun, cikgu kata locker nanti dia terbalikkan,
memang tak lah kan ==' 

nak buat macam mana, Redha je lah ;D


Fed Up.

Ohh, they've gone too far.Calling people bitches is just not proper, okay?
Tolong lah, jangan malukan nama Coll,once you're a collegian, you have to jaga pride.
the Dignity, bukan main hantam je.What? bangga laah dengan nama Coll enn
yang malu bukan kau je, manusia lain jugak, 
HAH, aku rasa kau bangga gila nama kau naik dekat kawankawan aku.
Senyumlah puas puas, 
Sebelum ni, orang tak perasan pun kau wujud, KAN ?

Duhh, aku tak kisah lah, kau punya blog ke, diary ke,
still, the whole WORLD baca kot.
nanti kalau orang yang korang tak nak baca,baca blog cantik korang tu,
mula lah, 
War ? tolong lah.

tu je, aku nak cakap, tolong lah, naik muak aku dengar nama kau banyak kali =='

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

my Superman (:

Dear Mr.Superman,

Thankyou for like all the  help you gave.Honestly, everytime you texted me,i'd scream my head off with joy. You UNDERSTAND me.gave me all the advises you know.Calm me whenever i'm in stress.You love to make jokes and make me smile throughout the whole day.My friends would think i'm crazy,but,i don't mind.Aslong as you're there.I know i'm a stuck up and always seem to bug you until you feel VERY annoyed :P but then, you never left me . You'd be there and sacrifice yourself to be my VICTIM >=] 

Since orchest is so near,well,that's what you've always think of.i feel alone somehow,but yeah, i understand.The preassure,the tense, all building up inside you.Goodluck,Bro

You've always been the 'lepak' kind, the one who Chills ;D anytime i was pissed off with your words, you'd be like
''alalahh,kesian you ,tak ada orang nak pujuk" 
x( although i was mad,i still laughed :)

You know, for me, you're like a brother.I'd never had one though . Thanks BigBro ;)
i drew a picture of you in a Superman suit.The person , who once again saves the day :D
Hey, do you realise that our dad's names are like almost the same? haha, i LOLed everytime i think of it
Thanks, iloveyou, Superman :)