
Don't Judge . Just Read .

Monday, 22 August 2011

A walk Around KL ;)

Hey there, Peeeeeeps !

Well yeahh, last Saturday, Me and my AWESOME cast members,
Went around Kuala Lumpur
in search for PATRIOTICISM (Y)

We have to make some videos about malaysian heritage and ICT.
for a competiton , NATIONAL level .
This post is, for a SPECIAL friend of mine, Iskandar :)

So, What are you waiting for lah ?
Jom. We go Travel KL.
Is, Don't even dare to BLINK. ;D

Well, the first stop was at Central Market .

And boy was it , AWESOME.
Banyak gilaa STUFFS to buy .
But pity me, i was given only RM10.
For a whole day in KL -.-
Nasib baik puasa,Tak payah beli food (Y)

Okayokay, then, we set up the tripod and HandyCam outside the market
And everyone was STARING.
But yeah, We really dont mind,Lagi stare , lagi laa terKENAL. 
kankan ? ;D

Anyway, then . tibatiba, makcik guard datang,
cakap we cant film it there. We were like, 
and semua orang was like, marah gilaaa. Then, we headed outside.
And then SESAT ;P
hahaha! we wanted to go to Masjid Jamek. Which was suppose to be nearby,
But yeah, we WERE. lost tourists -.-
So, i keluarkan the iPad and started, Google Map-ing.

LALALA. we jalan. Then sesat balekk. Rupanyaa,
we were walking a freaking long way.haha
Then jalan jalan lagii, took some pics, 
Lalu Little India.
There's this one pakcik, on a wheelchair.
We waved at him, and he smiled back,
So we marched forward.
Tibatiba, pusing tepi, by the road,
nampak abang Sabrina, Zaim, tolong the pakcik with his wheelchair.
We were like WOAHHH ! hahaha

So yeahh, then at last, JUMPA masjid jamek,
it was HUGE! 
lawaaa lah :)
Wish i could jalan jalan there with you ,
but yeah, you hated KL, kaan?  :)
So, yeahh, after Solat, we went by foot to Merdeka Square,

We shot a video infront of the Kementerian Penerangan punya building, LAWA :)
Then crossed the road, pergi Dataran Merdeka.
Lari lari macam orang tak betuul -.-
Sab and Syahmi, went sprinting,
Arisha, Selendang-Kite-ing XDD
Aniq,UHH -.-
hahha. Then tangkap gambar like gilaa je ;D

Then puas gelak, we went to Petaling Street .
Shot for 3rd Scene and went AngryBirds-Shopping.
HAHA. i ikut je laa, pegang HandyCam, since i tak ada money =.=
After tuu, we went by car to TuguNegara :)
This was the awesome-est part.
Infront of the whole crowd, Sab wore a Malay-like Baju Kurung with kain batik
and Selendang over her tudung,
She looked awesome (Y)
Then , we did a little makeover,set up the cameras,
And we're ready to SHOOT !

Then we went on jadi Tugu Negara lahh, apa lahh ;D
it was funn !

Get the picture yet, Is ? :D
Nevermind, once the vid siap, i'll let you tengok.
Proud to be Malaysian, kan ? (:
I'm sure, after nii, you'll ada semangat PATRIOTIK ! ;P
Ngehehehe :D

So yeah, dude. thats about it :) 
Sneak Peek of our Behind Scenes !
Doakan we'll win.
For the sake of our school, and also the NATION (:

Thnks to ALL Crew and Cast members :)

The END.


He lits my day up,
He shines my life,
He's the reason why i smile,
I love him, far more than just friends :)

Stay Close,Don't Go.


Sunday, 21 August 2011

It was three AM when you woke me up
And we jumped in the car and drove as far as we could go
Just to get away
We talked about our lives
Until the sun came up
And now I'm thinking about
How I wish I could go back
Just for one more day
One more day with you

Everytime I see your face
Everytime you look my way
It's like it all falls into place
Everything feels right
Ever since you walked away
You left my life in disarray
All I want is one more day
It's all I need: one more day with you

When the car broke down
We just kept walkin along
Til we hit this town
There was nothing there at all
But that was all okay
We spent all our money on stupid things
But if I looked back now, I'd probably give it all away
Just for one more day
One more day with you

Everytime I see your face
Everytime you look my way
It's like it all falls into place
Everything feels right
But ever since you walked away
You left my life in disarray
All I want is one more day
It's all I need: one more day with you

Now I'm sittin here, like we used to do
I think about my life and how now there's nothing I won't do
Just for one more day
One more day with you

Everytime I see your face
Everytime you look my way
It's like it all falls into place
Everything feels right (Everything feels right)
Everytime I hear your name
Everytime I feel the same
It's like it all falls into place
Everything feels right

You walked away
Just one more day
It's all I need, just one more day with you 

Dedicated by my awesome friend :)

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Can't get you out of my head.

Okay, Well. 
Memories with you,Are really really hard to be forgotten.
No, i'm not saying i want you to get lost.
Please don't.
Though we're not together, i still have a feeling for you.
Its fading, weeks by weeks, days by days,
every minue, every second.
Yeahh, it left a small scar . 
i tried to hide it, but . 
Huh, its not working. 
Well, whatever. 
You know,  though we're on our seperate ways, 
i still care about you. Weird, huh?
Sorry for not being fair to you.
I'm sorry i hurt you. You're the greatest friend i've known :)
Thanks dude. 

Results. GASP =='

At laast. The results are out -.-''

Okay, maybe this exam is the TER-Baik est exam 
in my history .

Ughh -.-''

i scored perfectly, 6As 1B andddd ..

an E =='


Well, i guess its a lesson to be learned.

Don't sleep during En Fairuz's class =.=

Exams Sucks;