
Don't Judge . Just Read .

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

A new TREND .

Hello Maaaan (:

Creds to Sally Manan and her bro ,

Introducing ... *drumrolls*


Hihi, Download it to your MusicPlayer and experience a visual hair cut ;D
Its awesome ! TryTry (:

Okay, i'll tell you how to download from a video to MP3 format .

Click this link below here. and insert the YouTube's link .
Hihi :B
For example.

Then, insert it in the space provided. Wait for a few minutes,
Anddd, press DOWNLOAD !
Its kind of easy (:
Well. if you don't own an MP3, you can just listen straight from YouTube.
But. you'll need headphones,Full volume,And a quiet surrounding .

Enjoy :D

Sunday, 18 September 2011

My last post

hey there , Mr.Mypage (:
So yeah . Basically , i just want to say how thankyou i am . To youu and of course , the viewers (: Merci beaucoup !
So yeah , my suspension days are over . And imma move forward . lol
Sorry if any of my posts made you guys piss . Its just . Its something i post to express my feelings .
i'm not a talkative person .
i dont socialize with people with talking .
i love to write (:
Well , Au revoir ! School is waiting . Boii .

Saturday, 17 September 2011

A story .

There was once , two sweet lovebirds .
The relationship they had was, kind of serious . So, one day . The guy asked the girl up for a dare .

The dare was , If she could pause the relationship for just ONE day , he'll love her forever . No calls, texts, no nothing .

So she accepted it.

And she did a pretty swell job too.
The next morning , she went to his house and was shocked . Literally .

There were so many people at his house . She ran inside,despite all the people around her . And there, lay a body covered with white cloth .

She didnt realize. That her boyfriend
left only 24 hours to fight with his cancer. He never wanted the girl to know . My time has come. He said.

A girl came, the guy's little sister .
She gave the girl a piece of note.

"Dear my lovely,Amanda. You did it . You've survived living without me for a day . Now, can you do it again? this time,its forever .iloveyou. LOVE, Adam."

She knelt. And cry .

Raya at Rumah Zati

Okaaay , this raya's menu : Nasi Ayam
Hahaha ! macam lastyear .
Menuu tak tukar (:
Sedap :O Hihi ;)

Overboard .

Apa masalah korang huh ? Seriously . Nak cakap batchmates aku . Jalang ? Weh . Mulut tu , jaga sikit . Dah lah rempit nak mampus . Bahasa Melayu ada, kan ? Guna lah . Haih . patut lah . Korang ni kan , tak faham bahasa .No wonder . Korang syok dekat sorang tuu , she broke your heart , and you call her jalang ? Or , sebab dia layan you . Lain lah , if she's a prostitude ke , apa ke ? Hoi , mulut je besar .Nak face to face tak berani ? Haih . Dah lah , adik aku apply masuk sekolah korang -.- sumpah. Memalukan. The thing is , KAU yang layan dia dulu. Kan? Tolonglah . CHANGE . korang dah 14. years old . Matang lah sikit . Panggil sekolah korang dengan nama yang korang tak suka . Marah,kan? yang SUKA sangat maki kitorang Katak , pahal? We have feelings too lah . You guys are , uhh . GUYS . for god sake ! Mana pride ? Heh . Kalau SSP tuu . mahal sangat . And korang , SUKA. kenapa nak gunakan batchmates aku? Tak faham . Apa apalah . Aku tahu SOME of youu guys memang baik . but sorry to say, but the others are like , haih . menghampakan. Semangat batch konon ? Tolong lah -.- ohh . btw, form two tkc tak murah . mahal pun tak . We're not even on sale -.- Cerminlah diri anda dahulu sebelum memaki sekolah lain sesuka hati . Pfft. korang tak hotstuff pun lah . Perasan.
Nak jee aku post gamba PrintScreen tuu . Heh .

Alleycats Concert :P

Hokkaaay . i know . Well , act i got the ticket from my cousins . They ajak me , so yeah , i follo la . i slept throughout the WHOLE show and the only song i know from the band is Sampaikanlah Salam . i know . i'm lame . Laa , so what ? Malay songs are just not my taste -.- Then , i bought a Stupid Tshirt which cost 40Bucks -.- How splendid -.-


With Hanis and Aida <3

Thursday, 15 September 2011

A Friend (:

i have a friend . Actually , he's kinda a special one . He never stop making me laugh . The thing i like most about him is , that he acts like his own self (: His name always pops out in my Notification box . And everytime it did, i smile with joy . He makes me see who i am . Who i REALLY am . He spends his time in the Robotics room chatting with me ;D i'm overjoyed (: i don't really know what he sees in me, though . As far as i know , i'm not like most of his friends . Decent . i mean . I'm just some random person . Boy , am i glad to know him (: Merci Beaucoup, dude . Hihi :B

you .

Dude , If you keep on doing this , i'll hate you . FOREVER . No kidding . Fed up laa -.-" You ingat i'm a toy eh ? Sorry , but i'm not the kind of girl you expect me to be . You brought me tons of trouble . I'm only giving you a one last chance . Seriously, dude . I've had it with you . Menyampah .


Sacrebleu =.=

it means, DAMN. in Francais ;D

Gulps and Gasps.

Okay , A FEW more days to go, and i'm back to College.

its weird . because instead of feeling sad, i feel happy .
LOL . haven't been to school for 3 weeks, now. So long wann -.-
Then , there's the End Of Year test. Damnit.

I won't gonna switch on my phone, 
And i'll probably take an UHU Glue and stick my face to the books!

The End Of Year test is a HUGE deal for me.
I don't want to masuk 3T , but my results HAVE to be as good as theirs.

Wish me luck, ey ? 
I'm gonna need it. Literally -.-

Ohhh , Pleaseee ! At least 7As will do ! :/

7A's,S'il vous plait ;

Wednesday, 14 September 2011


Dearest Lovest BLOG ;

I think imma stop writing for a while . Got no MOOD . Sorry Webpage ! i do love youu . But , i need to take a rest :) Aloh . Its not gonna be THAT long (: imma miss youu . Later i'll tell you some more hot cerrs . Okay ? Tata , ilysdfm !

LoveLots ;
PemilikYangMigrain -.-

Cookies (Y)

Look ! Cookies some moree [:

Bro's lovestory -.-

Look , my adik is just standard six , and he's going all mushyy with his girlfie -.-" My onee . Hmphh . jkjk ; D But he gave me LOVE . So yeaaah . i dont mind . Lalala -.-


i heart youu like i heart my Strawberry Cookie (:

Delf A1

Delf exam participants , Goodluck ! imma pray for youu ;)

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

The Lyrics of my life.

This crush ain't going away .
Why do i keep running from the truth?
All i ever think about is,you.
You got me hypnotized,
so mesmerized .

My heart skips a beat :)

Current Obsession !

Nyan Cat ! poptarts and rainbow farts ;D

Monday, 12 September 2011

Something about me.

Damn . that was awkward . Faer , shut yr mout laa ! No one wants to hear yr worthless craps . Darn . stop irritate people . Wait . Why are you posting this to your blog ? Nahhhh ! just..just shut up ! -.-" Okay . first of all . i'm having one of my Mabuk-diseases . Entah nii mabuk phone,kot . Haiyo . Sorry i made you guys baca this post . i just . you know, want to express everything . i'm living in a world full with problems , sorrow,loneliness . But yeah . i covered my fears with smiles and laughter . I couldn't break myself free . Why couldn't i ? the reason why people say i'm not a serious person is because i hide . I run away from everything . Just a stupid coward . Damnit . i laugh when i'm sad , i laugh and hide . No one understands . Well , honestly. even i don't . My life journey , its Complicated . Okay . i think imma stop now , goodboii . dnt forget , leave a message at the ShoutMix box(: loveyouu . boiboii ;

Sunday, 11 September 2011

The Guy (;

Okay . i can't believe i'm doing this . But yeah . i'm doing it :|
You know , honestly . i like you . i mean , you're fun , you're funny,you're DIFFERENT 
 i met tons of guys who are jerks and assholes . Honestly, at first i thot you were one of them.

Turns out. its not even close .

Okay , ignore the song i dedicated . If i die young ? yeah . it was stupid -.-"
 i dont want you to die ! not nearly ! 
You asked , once . If i needed you .Of course i do . i don't want to be alone .Don't leave . 
Well yeah . We barely know each other .But now , i feel like we've known each other since like,dulu lagi .

I crapped a lot . But you never minded. 
You know i'm sad. Even if i didn't tell you.
You make me laugh , although i was having a harsh time.

Really . You're different than any other guys i met .
Until now , i still can't believe guys like youu even exist !
No offense , though.

I wanted to say , damn ! i'm freaking sorry ! All the time , it was all about me .I couldn't keep my mouth shut .Telling you stuffs no one in the world would care about.I didn't even know you were sick , All this while .i feel wrong . literally . You said you're fine , but the coughings told ,otherwise.You said i worry to much .How could i not ? You're the greatest friend i've known throughot my 14 years living .I don't want to lose you .

I would give the world rather than seeing you dying .No No ! not that i'm saying i expect you to die !its just. i don't want you to leave me :/ When you told me , you're hurt . in pain .All i could do was , listen . I'm sorry i wasn't there for you .

Damnit . Sorry if i'm getting all so Mushymushy or whatsoever crap .i just want to let it all out .

Please . Take care of yourself , okay ? If its not for you . Do it for me .

Dude , stay close , don't go .
You're the reason i SMILE ;)

Note to my 'loving' brother :)

Dear little bro ; All The Best for your UPSR ! i'll be here for youu .You know . you can easily get the 5A s if you start moving your ass to the books , and not touching my iPod -.-"

Saturday, 10 September 2011

What i feel about you.

Late night calls , heart to heart talks , being there fr each other .

What does it all means ?

My heart skips a beat whenever you're there .
I tend to like you .
But like you said .We barely know each other .

You know ,I've been thinking .How is it possible that a broken heart,get back together when its torn apart?

But you mend my brokenheart and now , feel more alive ,I dunno.

Thanks dude . For being there for me :'D

Friday, 9 September 2011

Listen and Understand .

Okay , ThankGod, the thing is settled . 

Well, i didn't want to blackmail pun , at the first place . But , that text was too what you call it , Melampau . Sorry :/ Well . Dah . Stop lah doing nonsense . It won't any good exept for trouble . Seriously , i've experienced it . And boy, it wasn't awesome at all .
Bla bla. i'm crapping . i'm probably wasting your time reading this post, anyway . 

Damn . just got a fight with you-know-who . Like DUDEE ! i sangat lah , tanak gaduh with you . Everytime text je , sure ada gaduh. And this one, i think is gaduh for good. Look , can you just listen ? Just for once. Please . You just keep condemning and rebelling everything i said. Why can't you listen ? Or at least understand . 

Hey, honesly , i missed you . Okay ?
but bila i cakap macam tu je , you terus call me a liar lah , maki hamun lah.
Pfft . You ingat, i ni jenis fun fun. Tak ada perasaan eh ? For your information lah.
I do . 
You always think about your happiness. Fine, you suruh i be careful and all .
Said i could depend on you, instead of him. 
But , bila i ada trouble je , you go like "kenapa tak pergi dekat lelaki tu?"
Dude! you tak pernah nak ambil tahu what i feel , kan ? 
I'm sorry , i left you alone, bila i was with him .
But , cuba ingat balik lah , siapa yang DUMP siapa at the first place ?
i was Shocked, heartbrokened, and damn . was i sad .
But you couldn't care less, kan ?
You contacted all my friends,cakap nak hantar score lah , apalah . 
i was sad . Siapa pun , yang tak sedih ?
Tapi, i TAK pernah nak question those stuffs back to you .
And now, you dah ada someone, your so called life companion.
You dah happy, kan ?
Why are you still condemning my life ?
Yeah , i faham ! You want to protect. Sheesh . I'm not that stupid, okay ?
Tapi, lah kan. Kenapa you tak habis habis ungkit about him ?
I memang tak boleh happy eh ?
At least , se mana player pun , the dude, you cakap. 
GOD ! You dah ada your girlfriend ! Tak kan lah, i still nak pergi mengadu dekat you !
i tak DESPER lah ! Tolong lah, faham .
Okaaaaay ! fine . i had feelings for you, even after you dumped me for no reason.
tapi, you asked me to LET YOU GO . didn't you ?

The iloveyou s between me and him, its nothing of your concern.
Like i said . You wouldn't understand . Sebab you WON'T listen .

I'm sorry , i know you wished you never knew me from the first place .
Just anggap , i have nothing to do with your life.
Not the past,the present, nor the future. Never .
Thanks for taking care of me and all . i appreciate everything you've done .

KBaii .

Wednesday, 7 September 2011


Ohh . i recieved a text , earlier this morning .

Wei,dah la doh.stop la contact batch aku..pasal kau dan tutt..batch aku hancur..tolong la blah..

Okay , first of all . 
What's his freaking problem ? Dah laa tibatiba text -.-" tak payah laa nak ambik my number . Hoii . its not for sale, for God sake . How i know its a 'HE' well , i don't . because its more precise to be called, an ASSHOLE . Seriously , dude. If you're reading this post , whatever. I don' give a shit if you don't pun. Apa masalah kau?

Note to the Asshole;

What's your problem ? Cakap lahh . Apa aku buat dekat batch kau ? Sampai kau kata batch kau jatuh ? Heh . Dasar pengecut . Dah laa text bhai -.-" kalau kau nak suruh aku stop benda yang aku tak buat . Whats the point ? Thenn kau nak ungkit about suspension aku ? Wehh . Tak ada kena mengena . Setahu aku lah , kalau kena 'gantung' dia tak BERJANGKIT . Pfft . Budget i'm gonna be so goddamnfreaking scared ehh ? Aku perempuan . Tak bermakna aku lemah laa weh . kalau betul benda tu aku buat , ya. Aku akan stop reply text kau yang tak berfaedah tu . Tapi , apa aku buat ? Kau kata aku jatuh kan batch kau kan, tadi ? Aku buat apa? Datang sekolah kau , melalak macam orang gila . Tu , barulah kau boleh cakap aku jatuhkan batch kau . I don't give a damn laa about POPULARITY . Tak kempunan lah weh , nak capub tak tentu pasal . Lepas tuu , you're calling me a DumbAss ? Hoii . Sedar tak ? Siapa yang bodoh sekarang nii ? Ke kau main , uhh . cakap je, without knowing what it means? Dah dah . I've had it with you . Siapa kau pun aku tak kenal . Tak payah nak kenal pun lah . Tak layak -.-" Aku bukan nak budget . like i said before, i speak for the truth . You have a problem with that ? Keep it . Aku tak nak tahu . Tak ingin pun lah weh. 
Heh . not so Mr. All Tough Guy now, are you ? Get a grip  .

Ohh . P/S; my suspension case , has nothing to do with your bach . So shut your fucking mouth , AND dude, Get a life .

kalaukaunakjadihotstuff,cakap je lah ;


Look :)

This pict was taken by HannahSabreena , my awesome friend at Seri Puteri :)
Wee ! She kept my nametagg :D


New Fav

Nikmatilah , 

Starbucks .

Boredom Strikes Again:O

Complicated (:

What do you say when a person comes up to you and say,

I love you .

For the fact that, you also like him . But you don't want to admit .

Monday, 5 September 2011


DotDot .

2130 pageviews

Woah . Thanks Guys ;D My blog isn't that much to see, though . But i'll try my hardest to fulfill your needs ;) Do message me at Facebook and tell what you think should be improvised (: 


Well , my topic in this post may seems kind of harsh .
i just had it ! Okay ? i'm not some toy you could toy around .
i'm a freaking HUMAN being . like you . What? You think you're so great, huh ?
i'm always being used . Why ? To get popularity ? i guess so .
Tolong lah . Wake up !
Popularity won't bring you anywhere ;/
Look , i'm not saying you have to be all so Low-profiled all the time .
But , just . Please , don't abuse your friends to catch popularity .
Then, dump them as if the're strangers ? Ohh .
Kacang lupakan kulit ? More like to be .
Dah . You're like the top of the list . And now, you're blocking me ?
Hmmph . Gila mengenang budi bhaai -.-"
Aku ada perasan jugak . like i said before . i'm a normal human being .
Just like you . What's the diff ? Pfft . Tolonglaaah .
i dont give a shit laa kau block aku ke apa .
Tapi aku terasa . Go die laa .
I've had it with guys with their sweet talks . Untrustable . Thats the word .
Cermin lah diri anda . Tak adalah se hotstuff mana . Perasan laa .
Haihh . Whatever laa kau nak buat . I just want you to know, that i dont like getting played .

Siapa terasa . Haihh . Nasib lah .

Eid Fitr .

Hey peers (:

Since its Eid and all , i wanna plead for forgiveness (:
Yeah . i know , i'm a douchebag .
Sorry ;)

Ramadhan had been a really tough time for me .
i'm hoping Syawal would be better .

Happy Eid , guys (: Sorry Body and Soul .

So much for vows -.-

Haih . Thot she stood by the vow ,

Couple Itu Haram .

Didn't she ?

No, this is so not jealousy. i dont even give a damn laa .
But breaking the law of friendship ? huh uhh . No way :/

Well , its okay. i'm used to being USED -.-
Thot you were different .Guess, My thots were wrong after all .

2weeks -.-"

Heyyaww .
imma miss my friends dekat college :/
Haiyohh .