
Don't Judge . Just Read .

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

New Obsession .

Marilah . Follo me on Twitter :3
Follo back is a GUARANTEE:D

9GAG .



What you see ?:3
So true (Y) Cikais are ze best :D

Folio .

Wah . Setelah sekian lama aku buat , (2 hari)
Akhirnyaa ! Siap :3
48 Mukasurat  , tuu bhaii . Banyak shala =.=
Thankyouu , ibu . Tolong printkan:DD
Sekian . 
FarishaMAZNAN .

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Guilt .

Change .
Thot it was supposed to be a good thing .

What the ?

I'm sick of being USED .
Stop lah , damnit !
You broke my heart before .
Now ? You're crushing it to pieces until its gone is it ?!

I'm sorry . But i'm just pissed .



Suka lah , tengok orang resah , kan ?

Monday, 26 December 2011



Nak bersweet sweet dengan gua pulak ?

I'm saving my love for my future husband <3
Hihihi .

Dear Abang .

Congrats on your results !
Ciss . Now i'm soo jealous:3
Really . You deserve it !
Thoughhhh , cikgu panggil you SleepingBeauty . Hihi
Sleeping Beauty pun boleh dapat 8A's .
Hebat lettew~ (Y)
I'm soo proud:) BB , iPhone . CEHH !
Semua you nak , kan ?:3
KAYAAA . Bolehlah XD
Hehe . You know , i can be the proudest adek in the wholewideworld !
Go youuu:D Mati la , i next year --''
HAHA . Pinkie promise , you'll tolong , KAY ? :D


Heylow . PEPOL .
Yeah , i just got back from Phuket .
OHH . Its in THAILAND :)
Just so you know , lah XD
Anyways . i had such an adventure there .
Tapii , foods here macam ==
Halal foods tak banyak -,-
So yeah . I'll upload photos later lah:)
I'm sooo malasmalas now nii >:D

The writings there are like -.-
Macam keling . TAKFAHAM !
KK . I rest my case .
Phuket , best lah .
Phewwit ! Nak balak Boxer ahh:3
Nama Boxing stadium dia ,
Bangla Stadiuum . TERBAIK SHALA(Y)

FaerMaznan !

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Shocking .

I have died everyday ,
Waiting for you ,
Darling , Don't be afraid ,
I have loved you for a thousand years ,
I'll love you for a thousand more :)

Yeah , my crush for you was never that obvious , huh ?
HAHA . You anggap me as your little sis .
Its weird , yeah . I know:)
I love you .
Faer .


Who invented HOMEWORKS ? --'

Youu know , we're given like , LOADS of homeworks .
*Tangan Berdaulat --

Other schools takda homeworks pun .
KFine laa . Its for the better good .
But like , HELLO . Its called , Cuti Akhir Tahun .
I emphasize , 'CUTI' .

Camon laa . Bagilah like rest .
Dah lah folio , PERGH . Berjuta .
Pening doo , buat .
Nama pun , Akhir tahun , Memang lah segala ilmu dah di 'idle' kan .
Mana laa ingat =.= Tak refresh pun .
Haiyo . Dengan tak tution nya .
Faer , next year PMR tuu -.-
*Deep Breaths .

Thing is , BANYAK SANGAT doo , folio .
KH , BM , GEO ,
Sejarah , Nota .
Science , Worksheet + Nota
Maths , Worksheet .

LALALA . Boleh gila -.-''
So like , other schools , BERSYUKURLAH --'
KBaii ;
FarishaMaznan .

Monday, 12 December 2011

Meet and Greet .

BooYeah . people .
Imma introduce youu , to a Friends of mine ,
Mr . Zachrya Afiq Norwani Mohd Nordin :)
HAHA . Like you don't know him already lah , Kan ?
Banyak doo posts pasal dia .
You think you could beat him ?
Pfft . Puh Lease .
Tengok ahh , MamatHot nii .
Paper , Checked !
TV , Checked !
Social Network(s) , Checked !
HAHAHA . Terbaik punya ahh XD

KK , 
Lemme tell you what i think of him , Kay ?
He's fun , noooo . REALLY :D
He's fun-ny ? HAHAHA . 
Sorrehh . Got carried away XD

Anyways , 
I'm soo glad that he's Bahagia , now .
HAHA . Nono , i'm not trying to make this post's a sad one .
Yeaah . 
No matter how hard i tried to hate him (No offense) ,
I can't . He's too nice .
I can barely count , how many times he saves me .
Well , not literally , but . You get my point .
Banyak sangat . HAHA .
With that douche lagi . HAIH .
Why was i so dumb .

Well , all i have to say is ,
This HOT dude , is AWESOSOSOME(Y)

OHH , BTW , Zachrya .
If you're reading this ,
Do take note , that .
If you break my dear Arisha's heart .
This pretty fist of mine , will hit you , straight to the face . Kay ?:)
Don't think i ngam dengan you , i tak berani >:3
Friends come first >:D 
FaerMaznan .

Ouchies .

Nevermind . Its Okay .
HAHA . I'm used to being used :3

Yeah , biasalah tuu .
Orang singgah , Tumpang nama .
Hot sekejap ,
THEN . Macam kacang lupakan kulit broo .
Hidung tak seberapa PERGH tuu ,
WEHH , Tak boleh nak tinggi lagi ?
HAIH . Tak apa doo .
Memang aku dilahirkan begini .

I'm like a floss ,
You use me , to lawakan your teeth ,
then you buang me to the side .
(KFine , i don't have a better example)

Yeah , Whatever .
Still . I dunno . Why are you guys so cold-blooded ahh ?
Nono . This post ain't about me je , Kay ?
I bet lots of people out there feel the same too .
Being USED .
Regardless lah its a boy or girl .
Semua sama je --'

OHH , Back to the main purpose .
HAHAHAHA ! Nak tergelak aku tengok korang .
Konon nya lah , rapat dengan aku .
Buat buat baik ,
Suruh i introduce to couple of my friends ,
Nama dah HOT . Apa lagi ?
Dump me lah kan ?:)
Decent gila lah , perbuatan korang tuu .
Then , kalau aku tegur , budget MatCool lah pulak dah -.-
Semua jenis DashDotDash signs korang keluarkan .
BagusBagus .
Bak kata Carrot , Tahniah ~

DahDah , Teruskan lah .
Siapa nak HOT . Datang laa .
Free service bhaii =.=
FarishaMaznan .

Who's That Boy .

LALALA . I'm addict with a new song i just found .
Who's that boy by Demi Lovato and Dev (\m/)

Catchy , but nice .

He's Special , I know ,
His Smile , It glows ,
He's perfect , It shows .

FarishaMaznan .

Sunday, 11 December 2011


Its my friend's birthday .
And i'm not wishing :3

FarishaMaznan !

Another Hectic Hangout !

School Holidays are fun :) Serious , cakap .
HAHAHA . Yeahh , i hangout lagi .
This time , dengan two ANGGUN friends of mine .
Aida Sufiah and Marina Hamdan !
Well , we're supposed to go with Sabrina and Naddy but yeah .
Sab got Maths class , Naddy , Hihi . Adalah , reasons of her own :B

Anyways , the MAIN purpose i nak pergi was to beli cover for my iTouch.
I bought Quicksilver Hard Case cover at Machines , KLCC .
For 99 freaking bucks --'
But yeah , it was worth it .
Thanks to Aida and Marina for helping me pick them :)

So yeah , thenn . Marina had to go .
Dia act hangout with her cousins .
So yeah .

Then , we intended to go to the movies .
But , my my . The place was SOOO FULL --'
Ramai SHALAA =.=

So yeah , we headed to Toys R Us , Kino , Starbucks , Machines,Candylicious .
and camwhore like (Y)
GAHHH ! Gucci :D

 Is she Okay ? --'
 Toys R Us tuu Bhaii :O
 Dada <3
 Machines : OHHH , iMac doo :)
Tomato ? So NOT =.=
HAHAHA . I can't get rid of the egg sandwich XD


See ? She's one heck of a pretty bitch :)

 Swift ~
 Dada and MaMarr :3
OHH Yeah , meet my Bro XD

So yeaaaaah . I had a BLAST !
Merci guys :D

Faer .

Friday, 9 December 2011

Spongebob with loghats ?

Look What I've found ! Creds to Afini :)
HAHAHAHA . Its sooo funny XD


Are you ready kids "Aye Aye Captain"
I Can't hear you "AYE AYE CAPTAIN"
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea
"Spongebob squarepants"
Absorbant and yellow and porous is he
"Spongebob Squarepants"
If nautical nonsense be something you wish
"Spongebob Squarepants"
Then flop on the deck and plop like a fish
"Spongebob Squarepants"
Spongebob squarepants
Spongebob squarepants
Spongebob squarepants


Sum0 budak dah sedia?
Dah kapten
X d0ngar!!!
Dah kapten
ooo....ap0 b0nd0 yg dud0k kek dalam n0nas kek baw0h la0t?
SSpongebob Sluar Petak!!!
S0nang Mer0sap warghne kunin?
Sp0ngeb0b Sluar PETAK!!!!
Kal0 suk0 natang la0t yg suk0 ngar0t!
Sp0ngeb0b sluar Petak!!!
Marghi Mel0mpek mcm ikAn!
Sp0ngeb0b Sluar Petak!
Sp0ngeb0b Seluar Petak!(3x)
Sp0ngeb0b sluar Petak!


Sume bud0k sedie doh??
D0h kapte!!
X deng0r le...
D0h le kapte oooii!!
ooo...mende yg d0k dalan nenah baw0h lauk??
Sp0ngebob slu0 pet0k!!
Senang mergesak wargne kuneng?
Sp0ngebob slu0 pet0k!!
Kal0 a0k suke mende srabut...
Sp0ngeb0b slu0 pet0k!
Ramei2 le ml0mpak sperghti ika..
Spongeb0b slu0 pet0k!
Spongeb0b slu0 pet0k(3x)


Ready dok budok-budok?
Ho laa, kepten!
Gapo dio? HO LAA, KEPTEN!
Podio dok dale buoh lanah bowoh laut?
Spongebob Sluar kotok!
Sene meresap bewarno kuning.
Spongebob Sluar kotok!
Kalu demo suko bendo laut hok ngarut.
Spongebob Sluar kotok!
Pah mari la pakat nopat supo ike.
Spongebob Sluar Kotok! Ready?
Sponge............bob Sluar kotok (3x)
Spongebobbb Sluar kotok


Hampa redi dah ka weii??
Haa kapten,
Apadia?Tak dengaq nie!!
Haaa la kapten..
Sapa hat dok dalam nanaih wah laut?
"Spanbob Seluaq Petak"
Belubang,meghesap paihtu wana kunin
"Spanbob Seluaq Petak"
Kalau hampa suka benda laut hat ngarut
"Spanbob seluaq Petak"
Mai la sini teghejun cam ikan temenung
"Spanbob seluaq Petak"
Spanbob seluaq Petak
Spanbob seluaq Petak
Spanbob seluaq Petak

Spanbob seluaq Petak!


sedia dok g budok2?
sedia kapteng!
.sedia doh la kapteng!!
ooo...peye hok duk dalang nanah bawoh lauk!!
spongebob sluor pettok!!
senang menghesap kaler kuning..
spongebob sluor pettok!!
kalu sek2 mu suke nde pelek hok dalang lauk
spongebob sluor pettok!!
meh la noppak pe ikang
spongebob sluor pettok!!
spongebob sluor pettok (3x)
spongebob... sluor pettok!!!

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Birthday (;

Yello Pipol !
Ohmaigoshh ! You guys are such loyal stalkers :3
LOL , I'm kidding .

Yeah . Today's my BigBang Birthday ,
But i celebrate it infront of the laptop .
Well yeaaaaaah . Honestly , I don't really have the mood .
I'm having PMS . So yeah -.-''
I keep EmoShitting .
Anyways , dad said he's gonna buy me a new iTouch .
Since my mum hilangkan my former one -____-''

Semua orang dah nak Fifteen . I baru turn 14 =.=
Life is Unfair , dooo .

Anyways . THANKYOUUU ,
For those who wished me . AWWWWH :'D

But , i'm kinda waiting for this one dude .
If he dosen't wish me , well .
I guess , thats just it .
He dosen't care about me anymore .
Nevermind . I'm Okay .

So yeahh , Next year . I'm gonna hadapi a battle .
Mihihihi. Mati lah , akuu XD
PMR . Maaaaaan -,-''
Jeng Jeng Jeng .
HAHAHA . Yeahh , I'm Crapping alright XD

OkayOkay , i act wanted a SLR .
But , My ayah kata its too mahal lah , apa lah .
Thenn, he offered a new iTouch with 16GB .
I was like , Okaaaaaay .
Dunno if i could have them .

And Honestly , Celebrating your birthday infront of the laptop ,

IDontCare ;
FarishaMaznan .

Wednesday, 7 December 2011


Well, Yello pipol :)

For the past 3 days, i was sent to
'Kem Inspirasi Charisma dan Kepimpinan'
Solikeyeaaah .

At first we thot it was like an ALIM camp .
So, we weren't expecting much punn .
Anyways , the tempat camp was like a PEDALAMAN.
Memang tak lah -.- Butt , Sejuk lah .
Belakang semua BUKIT .
Scenery , lawa lah . Boleh lah :D

Yeayeah . DatangDatang je, Shakir and I daftar-ed ourselves at the menengah section .
Then jumpa FarzanaKamal .
Then , dekat tempat lelaki . PERGHH . Ramai shala Panas :B
Noooo . I'm not a pervert -___________-
Just being OBSERVANT :)

So yeahh . Tibatiba, there's this one BLONDE dude .
Not literally blonde , but yeah . You get my point .
Kinda brunette . He's Singaporean .
Baby faced , Rotten attitude , Hot body .
Yeahh .

THENN, I macam , tak interested in the guys .
(Exept for this one Swifty Hair ,
 i found stunning.Yeaaah . He's Mr.X :D Sooo Unknown doo ).
Though, not denying the fact that they're cute .
So like, Farzana minat this one dude .
WELL,Lets call him, PM. Shall we ? :D
She stalked him . HARDCORE >:D
Yeahh . PM's my groupmate .
So i'm like, Farzana's source of information .
LOL . He's Tanjung's schoolmate .
FormFour .

THENN,We went to the Koop .
'KwikShoppe' -________-''
Whatever . As long as there's food supply :D
ANDDDD ! Abang Koop tu HOT bhaii .
Yeah , i minat abang Koop tu (:
Tak tahu nama dia . AWWWWH .

The Talks were AWESOME . Especially ,
the one from Kamal Affendi .
Whoots !

Yeahh . We had a GREAT time .
Kan, Shakir ? XD HAHAHA .

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Tak Tidur .

Best stay up ever .

Thanks to Alif Haiqal .
A dude i just met .

We literally STAYED UP .
All night , MAAN .
Sampai sempat solat Subuh . Serious -.-''

Haha . Pergi YouTube-ing .
Macam gila je .

Thanksalotbrooo ;
FaerMaznan .

I Me . Yeah .

A Full Time Hardcore Photographer >:)


Attention Seeker .

Thats what you are . I'm sorry . But yeah .
You budget i ni apa ? Batang Kayu ehh ?
Boooo -.-'' Tak dooo . I manusia , HAIHH .

Problem .

Relationships are Weird.
True that -.-


You're Back :)

Friday, 2 December 2011

Hatred .

Yeah . I know i'm not Oh-So-Perfect as you are .
But , All i know is, I Hate you .

Pfft . You thot i let all the grudges away , huh ?
Well, you thot wrong .
The pain's too deep .
Now, everything you do . Irritates me .
I might seem, 'Oh,its Okay.I couldn't care less.' kinda me .
But . Ohh, i DO . I care, A LOT .

You don't go telling people we're okay .
Acting as if you haven't done any wrong.
HAHAHA . Sumpah doo . Melawak kan -.-

Mengadu . Tu je kerja kau , Kan ?
Aku buat apa sikit . Mengadu .
Get a grip . Change dooo =.=

'But i thot we're Okaaaay !'
HAHAHHAHAHAHAH ! You're kidding me ? XD

How can i forgive you . After all you've done ?
Serious , dude. Lawak !

All i want to say is,
Don't think you're so great la broo .
Ramai benci kau . Just so you know :)
FarishaMaznan .


The Girl Behind The scenes :)

Introducing HER .

Well, Yeah . Imma Introduce her :D
Her name's Nor Sabreena Mohd Khalid .
She's my classmate time i was standard One,
And we've been Buddies ever since .
Thanks to Shahirah , She bought me the Superman Thingie as a birthday gift .
And its sooo cool that it looks the exact as Sab's .
Yeah, hanging out in WangsaWalk was awesome :)
Despite the gross Taxi Man we saw .
Iyekk -.-'' Geli doo .
Anyway . Thankyou,Guys .

Stare laa =.=

Batman , Sorry doo . I curang XD

Hello :)



Thursday, 1 December 2011

Super Supper !

Hoyeeeah !
Me and My Bro .

Frozen Pizza Yo !
