Hey ya :D
Everyone , most probably have their own ,
Favourite band , Right ?
Like One Direction ,
Simple Plan ,
A7x , etc .
Wanna know whats mine ?
Its .
The Script :)
Love all the songs :D
-Breakeven .
-The Man Who Cant Be Moved .
-Nothing .
-This Is Love
Don't Judge . Just Read .
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Crave .
Lemme present to you ,
My KittyPoo :D
Yeah Yeah ,
I know i'm fifteen .
But . Pshh ! Who the hell cares ?
I love my KittyPoo .
You know ,
i may 'Yo Bratha '
Kinda of way ,
But i , absolutely LOVE soft toys :)
They're so plushie <3
And there's like beeds in their buttocks xD
Lol .
My KittyPoo :D
Yeah Yeah ,
I know i'm fifteen .
But . Pshh ! Who the hell cares ?
I love my KittyPoo .
You know ,
i may 'Yo Bratha '
Kinda of way ,
But i , absolutely LOVE soft toys :)
They're so plushie <3
And there's like beeds in their buttocks xD
Lol .
ILiveMyOwnLife ;
Dear TrailBlazers .
Hey . What's TrailBlazers ?
Oh , its our Batchname :)
You know what TrailBlazers mean ?
Oh Okay . Just thot you might wanna know .
To us ,
TrailBlazers , is Pembakar Jalan .
No, It doesn't mean that we're going to bakar jalan or anything .
It means , we ought to create legends and legacies ,
for the generations to come .
It means ,
That we , TrailBlazers are , One of a kind .
The rare of the rare .
We break records .
In a good way , though .
And this year , We , insyaallah .
Will get 100% 8As .
And , insyaAllah .
Will be declared , the greatest batch in the whole country .
Nothing is imposible .
We've gone through a lot together ,
Aiming to soar the highest achievement ,
InsyaAllah ,
Di mana ada kemahuan ,
Di situ ada jalan .
So , my dear TBs ,
Let's grab the challenge and seize the glory! :D
Look what i put on my LockScreen :)
Oh , its our Batchname :)
You know what TrailBlazers mean ?
Oh Okay . Just thot you might wanna know .
To us ,
TrailBlazers , is Pembakar Jalan .
No, It doesn't mean that we're going to bakar jalan or anything .
It means , we ought to create legends and legacies ,
for the generations to come .
It means ,
That we , TrailBlazers are , One of a kind .
The rare of the rare .
We break records .
In a good way , though .
And this year , We , insyaallah .
Will get 100% 8As .
And , insyaAllah .
Will be declared , the greatest batch in the whole country .
Nothing is imposible .
We've gone through a lot together ,
Aiming to soar the highest achievement ,
InsyaAllah ,
Di mana ada kemahuan ,
Di situ ada jalan .
So , my dear TBs ,
Let's grab the challenge and seize the glory! :D
Look what i put on my LockScreen :)
Harharr , xoxo ;
Faer'14 .
Friday, 27 January 2012
Twitter .
People there are so kewl like JIZZ (y)K
What ? Takda Twitter ?
At first , bosan la . Kau tak follo siapa siapa ,
Then , kau tweet ahh banyak banyak ,
banyak lah followers kau .
Then kau link link kan .
Best lah jadinya (:
Tapii , serious aku cakap .
TimeLine aku gempak gell :D
I follo such awesome people <3
Nah , Ni my abang and me , TweetTweet:D
People there are so kewl like JIZZ (y)K
What ? Takda Twitter ?
At first , bosan la . Kau tak follo siapa siapa ,
Then , kau tweet ahh banyak banyak ,
banyak lah followers kau .
Then kau link link kan .
Best lah jadinya (:
Tapii , serious aku cakap .
TimeLine aku gempak gell :D
I follo such awesome people <3
Nah , Ni my abang and me , TweetTweet:D
KBaii xx
Dear Talent .
Haha . K . I am so goddamn jealous , MAAAN !
People with talents .
Apa apa lah .
Serious aku jealouuuuus !
I took piano classes since i was 8 .
But i still can't play as well as my friends could -,-
KFiine . Padan muka aku lah , sebab stop time form one .
It wasn't my fauuuult !
Sebab nak masuk Tkc lah aku stop .
Tengok ? Adik aku lagi hebat .
FTW -.-
Then , i took Saxophone class ,
Stop jugak .
Masa takda . (Sekolah)
The things i sacrifice for school , Man !
Life's devastating -.-
Ni haa , Diving ni .
Aku amik lesen , dive few times .
Dah . KBaii .
The End .
Memang tak sempatlah nak sambuung .
Sebab apa ? Pfft . Of course ,
Fuuuu . Stress hidup macam nii .
Aku nak kata aku pandai nyanyi .
Suara macam katak -,-
Pandai menari ?
Hangguk mung ! Memang takla --'
HAHA . Kesimpulannya , aku jeles .
Aku yang malas pun , nak buat macam mana ?
EH EHH , Visit lah my baby dekat Youtube .
Le name is , ''MsAnisSyafiah''
She's so cool . Serious aku cakap :D
Haha . K . I am so goddamn jealous , MAAAN !
People with talents .
Apa apa lah .
Serious aku jealouuuuus !
I took piano classes since i was 8 .
But i still can't play as well as my friends could -,-
KFiine . Padan muka aku lah , sebab stop time form one .
It wasn't my fauuuult !
Sebab nak masuk Tkc lah aku stop .
Tengok ? Adik aku lagi hebat .
FTW -.-
Then , i took Saxophone class ,
Stop jugak .
Masa takda . (Sekolah)
The things i sacrifice for school , Man !
Life's devastating -.-
Ni haa , Diving ni .
Aku amik lesen , dive few times .
Dah . KBaii .
The End .
Memang tak sempatlah nak sambuung .
Sebab apa ? Pfft . Of course ,
Fuuuu . Stress hidup macam nii .
Aku nak kata aku pandai nyanyi .
Suara macam katak -,-
Pandai menari ?
Hangguk mung ! Memang takla --'
HAHA . Kesimpulannya , aku jeles .
Aku yang malas pun , nak buat macam mana ?
EH EHH , Visit lah my baby dekat Youtube .
Le name is , ''MsAnisSyafiah''
She's so cool . Serious aku cakap :D
K ? BaiiBaii:)
FaerMaznan .
Current Life .
Heyyo :D
Imma talk about . BAHASA .
Kihikih .
I miss my zaman kerempitan .
Nak tengok ?
View my Myspace .
EH EHH ! I was just joking , man !
Jatuh mendadak saham aku --''
Fuuuuu ~ Jkjk .
Well . Since i've been living among the SBPians ,
I got influenced .
In a good way , though .
I started of with improving my Bahasa .
Then followed by my grammars and all .
Okay . I know .
My grammar is not that well .
Pfft . i'm in the process , Okay ? HAHA .
Serious , life as a 'Budak SBP' ,
It rocks like SHIZZ .
You have all these links with other schools .
Despite wether its an all boys' , all girls' ,
Or even Mix .
We have like this bond together , you know .
Well yeah , Having to be jealous of another school ,
Thats normal . Really .
Who wouldn't ?
''Sekolah tu dapat more facilities '' lah ,
''Sekolah tuu makan murah , ''
''Sekolah sana ada washing machines on every floor ,''
Ke apa ke .
Kita should bersyukur , kot .
Kot lah . HAHA . jkjk .
Damn Damn Shit ! Kaki kebas =,=
Eh . Hamlau lah . Apa aku merapu nii .
Kata nak cakap pasal Bahasa -,-
HAH . Kesimpulannya lah kan .
Martabatkanlah Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa .
Rempit tu tak salah .
Kadang Kadang tak apa ,
Kalau selalu , Aku flying kick kang .
Poning den nak baca -,-''
Imma talk about . BAHASA .
Kihikih .
I miss my zaman kerempitan .
Nak tengok ?
View my Myspace .
EH EHH ! I was just joking , man !
Jatuh mendadak saham aku --''
Fuuuuu ~ Jkjk .
Well . Since i've been living among the SBPians ,
I got influenced .
In a good way , though .
I started of with improving my Bahasa .
Then followed by my grammars and all .
Okay . I know .
My grammar is not that well .
Pfft . i'm in the process , Okay ? HAHA .
Serious , life as a 'Budak SBP' ,
It rocks like SHIZZ .
You have all these links with other schools .
Despite wether its an all boys' , all girls' ,
Or even Mix .
We have like this bond together , you know .
Well yeah , Having to be jealous of another school ,
Thats normal . Really .
Who wouldn't ?
''Sekolah tu dapat more facilities '' lah ,
''Sekolah tuu makan murah , ''
''Sekolah sana ada washing machines on every floor ,''
Ke apa ke .
Kita should bersyukur , kot .
Kot lah . HAHA . jkjk .
Damn Damn Shit ! Kaki kebas =,=
Eh . Hamlau lah . Apa aku merapu nii .
Kata nak cakap pasal Bahasa -,-
HAH . Kesimpulannya lah kan .
Martabatkanlah Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa .
Rempit tu tak salah .
Kadang Kadang tak apa ,
Kalau selalu , Aku flying kick kang .
Poning den nak baca -,-''
Till Finger Meets Keyboard ;
FarishaMaznan .
Thursday, 26 January 2012
The One That Cheers My Days
Heyyo people :) Lemme introduce you to an EPICAWESOMEBOOMCLAPCAPISHE
friend of mine :D
Her name ? Sabrina Rezal :D
She , my friend . Is a wonderful StayUp partner (Y)
During my zaman kejahilan ,
I gayut everynight ,
Minah hot ni lah teman .
Oh yeah , she's my beddie for two years ,
Sadly , this year . Kitorang tak sama dorm .
She's situated to the Main Block .
I got the SubBlock .
Well , nevermind :)
I miss her so much . Nak je fly to her dorm .
Tapi , pergh . Malas -,-
Takpa Takpa , after pmr lah kot .
She plays in the band also .
But she's not on wind instrument ,
Anyway , this girl right here .
She's a one heck of a hotstuff :)
Hihihihi . I love her so much .
She's always there lah , kalau nak share probs ,
gossips , memang she'll be the first to know:D
I is kewl ? I know:)
FarishaMaznan .
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Dear Kau .
Assalamualaikum .
Maafla lama tak update .
Haktuih . Budget ada je yang membaca .
Takpa lah . Pmr kan ?
Haih . Tahutak , harini tiba tiba aku rasa macam nak meluahkan perasaan .
Jadi tersebut lah Al Kisah .
Harini . Supposedly , hari paling bahagia aku .
Keluar dengan dia lagi .
Tak , aku tak anggap dia sebagai kekasih , ex , whatsoever korang panggil tu .
Its like , a day out with your bestfriend .
But yeah , things didn't work right .
Misunderstanding .
Jealousy ? Yeah . It kills .
One thing bothers me is ,
Kenapa dia ?
Maksud aku lahkan .
Takkan takda orang lain aku boleh taruh harapan ni .
Kenapa dia jugak ?
Pergh . Dia pernah tengking aku ,
maki aku , marah aku .
Semualah .
Apa ? Cakap belakang ?
Dia jenis lepas depan depan .
Aku marah , dia kata sorry .
Aku maafkan .
Someone once said ,
Why hold grudges when they don't even care ?
So yeah , everynight i was told to forgive .
The thing is . Kalau kau nak tahulah kan , wahai pembaca .
Ya .Aku Jealous .
Kau selalu ungkit kalau aku dengan siapa siapa .
Tapi , aku tak pernah ungkit pasal kau dengan dia .
Kau mana pernah sedar , kan ?
Kalau lah , aku mampus kena langgar lori .
Kau tahu , i bet the first thing you'll do is laugh . Kan ?
So great for my first post of the year :)
KBaii . Aku tahu kau tak kisah .
Maafla lama tak update .
Haktuih . Budget ada je yang membaca .
Takpa lah . Pmr kan ?
Haih . Tahutak , harini tiba tiba aku rasa macam nak meluahkan perasaan .
Jadi tersebut lah Al Kisah .
Harini . Supposedly , hari paling bahagia aku .
Keluar dengan dia lagi .
Tak , aku tak anggap dia sebagai kekasih , ex , whatsoever korang panggil tu .
Its like , a day out with your bestfriend .
But yeah , things didn't work right .
Misunderstanding .
Jealousy ? Yeah . It kills .
One thing bothers me is ,
Kenapa dia ?
Maksud aku lahkan .
Takkan takda orang lain aku boleh taruh harapan ni .
Kenapa dia jugak ?
Pergh . Dia pernah tengking aku ,
maki aku , marah aku .
Semualah .
Apa ? Cakap belakang ?
Dia jenis lepas depan depan .
Aku marah , dia kata sorry .
Aku maafkan .
Someone once said ,
Why hold grudges when they don't even care ?
So yeah , everynight i was told to forgive .
The thing is . Kalau kau nak tahulah kan , wahai pembaca .
Ya .Aku Jealous .
Kau selalu ungkit kalau aku dengan siapa siapa .
Tapi , aku tak pernah ungkit pasal kau dengan dia .
Kau mana pernah sedar , kan ?
Kalau lah , aku mampus kena langgar lori .
Kau tahu , i bet the first thing you'll do is laugh . Kan ?
So great for my first post of the year :)
KBaii . Aku tahu kau tak kisah .
KitaSambungKemudian ?
FarishaMaznan .
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