Okay, so i'm off to Bali, bye bye mish,mumu,shark,shafiq and semua laah,
:DD i'm going to miss you guys :D so i guess this will probably be my last post for this year,
bye bye BLOG(: i'm gonna miss yaa,
Don't Judge . Just Read .
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Friday, 24 December 2010
Results PMR 2010, if tak silap lah
TKC, 92.3%
STF, 90.2%
SAS, 88%
STAR, 84 %
MCKK, 83.5%
INTEGOMB, 79.77%
SMSS, 78.8%
SDAR, 78.3%
SSP, 75.625%
MOZAC, 74.79%
SEMSAH, 73.5%
SMACH, 71.79%
SCIPP, 70.3%
STJ, 69.23%
SESMA, 68.26%
KUSESS, 65.3%
SESMA, 54.4%
SEMESTI , 47.01%
SOKSEK, 44.57%
SESDU, 43.9%
POKE lovers
Okay, so well yeah, i have POKERS , not the other poker thing, but the Facebook one.So like, they POKE me all the time i mean, REALLY :O i mean, everytime i hit the
REFRESH button, sure their names ada dekat POKE list =.=' awesome huh ?
well, i ada RANKING(:
2)Ainil Aisyah Zulkarnain
3)Ammer Aizat
4)Hidayah Hamdan
5)Syakirah Abdullah
6)Alya Izzati
7)Minhalena Fuad,
yang selebih nya tak de lah POKE se dayat diorg ni -.-' lagi lagi Arif Fauzan the AWESOME><
haha, so its like POKE WAR,, and i'm never gonna mengalah ><
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Hey People, wondering who's the dude eyy,
Yeah, that's Izhar(:
and the other one beside him is my LAME little bro.
he's always with his COMIC -.-'
well, anyway, we went to KLCC today,
and watched TRON
like ticket yg biasa pun dah RM13 =.=' mahal gila
Me,my bro,Izhar and his little sis,
just the four of us :DD
Well, i have to admit, i senyap je the whole day
bukan nya like tak nak cakap,
but segan -.-' kalau Skype tu tak pe lah
ni depan depan one =.=
Okay, so Tron was Boleh lah,
and then we merayau rayau klcc,
and then pergi beli McFlurry dekat McDonalds(:
Oh, and Izhar gave me a
Belated Birthday Gift :D
a Teddy (:
So the cute, i name him,
TOM <3
izhar cakap sebab i nak ingat dia -.-
(nickname Izhar,Tom)
so like i gave him mine,
but obviously for his adik, too girly mehh
but dia cakap , he wants to bawak to Sdar -.-'
So yeah, today was AWESOME thanks
Izhar Shah Hassan and Hanna Soraya Hassan (:
Sunday, 19 December 2010
i know you miss me :) *wink,wink
Well, everyone keep asking when i nak update this friggin' blog, so like YEA...
act, the reason i tak update is
1) malas
2) malas
3) still, malas
i have gazillions of stories, but i wasnt in the MOOD.
anyway, well,
i pergi this one camp agama, for three weeks,
at first i thot the idea of going there was dumb.
and now, since camp dah habis, everyday i teringat
all the ustaz and my new friends there :'(
it was act fun :DD like really !
the second last day, there's sukaneka Day.
and for the first time in my Awesome life, i main those
cari gula dalam tepung thingie, and instead of blowing the
tepung to find gula-gula, the tepung accidentally filled my
mouth and God! was it terrible xP
i nak nangis je rasa the tepung ><
And we had KFC for jamuan class :D
we never had jamuan class in TKC :O
then, waktu petang, dad bawak us to Bukit Tinggi (:
i pening ohh waktu naik bukit, so Dizzy onee @_@
:DD p/s; i hate tepung -.-
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Awesome People in my AWESOME Life,
Life is AWESOME, and i just can't agree more ^^
yeah, well like everyone has their own AWESOME People in their life,
Well, i JUGA.
wanna know siapa ? HAHA, Jom (;
This is HannaMukhnizam.
The RETARD one.

This is AtiqahBahardin
She's BieberObsessed :O
that explains the picha.
(TKWO; Alto sax)
This.Is ArishaRozaidee.
She's freakingly HYPERACTIVE
but FUN(:
(TKWO; horn)
This one,IzharShahHassan(:
He's a music LOVER<3
and he HATES JB :O
the guy who listen it all
Thanksalot dude ;)
My awesome AlysyaHazis :D
She's so freakingly LAWAK xD
i like the way she laughs ohh!
(TKWO; Percussion)
MarinaHamdan's the name,

This is my KAKAK,
she's so gilaa sometimes
but that's why i love her <3
see, her baju kebaya ROCKS
And yeah,that's
she's my CS besar,
but i look BESAR-er right?
haha,just kidding :D
(TKWO; Alto Sax)
This nenekTua is HannahAzmi
looks wacko, because,,
she is!
hahaha,joking :D
i love her :)
the end. nanti i'll tambah moree :DD
yeah, well like everyone has their own AWESOME People in their life,
Well, i JUGA.
wanna know siapa ? HAHA, Jom (;
This is HannaMukhnizam.
The RETARD one.

This is AtiqahBahardin
She's BieberObsessed :O
that explains the picha.
(TKWO; Alto sax)
This.Is ArishaRozaidee.
She's freakingly HYPERACTIVE
but FUN(:
(TKWO; horn)
This one,IzharShahHassan(:
He's a music LOVER<3
and he HATES JB :O
the guy who listen it all
Thanksalot dude ;)
My awesome AlysyaHazis :D
She's so freakingly LAWAK xD
i like the way she laughs ohh!
(TKWO; Percussion)
MarinaHamdan's the name,

This is my KAKAK,
she's so gilaa sometimes
but that's why i love her <3
see, her baju kebaya ROCKS
And yeah,that's
she's my CS besar,
but i look BESAR-er right?
haha,just kidding :D
(TKWO; Alto Sax)
This nenekTua is HannahAzmi
looks wacko, because,,
she is!
hahaha,joking :D
i love her :)
the end. nanti i'll tambah moree :DD
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Cuppy Cake Deco Class xDD
Well yeah, today ad CupCake Deco Class :D
dekat my mum's friend's house lah, i made Horrible ICINGS ><
Wanna see ?
I call this, ELMO JUL (juling)
LOL, see lah the eyes, i salah letak.. so elmo juling pulakk -,-
ni nama dia BASKET ;) tapi my basket tak jadi :P
sumpah Stress buat all these =.=
This one, my younger adek buat, Alien Theme xD
LOL, tak jadi ><
My FIRST homemade CAKE :DD
McD theme ;D
So yeah, basic ly , my cupcakes are UGLY -,-
LOL, best oh doing these, ohh,
the McDees,Rose tu semua guna a stuff called
Okay, i guess that's it,Buh-Bye ;D
Thursday, 2 December 2010
MPO workshop
MPO workshop
Okay,like well semalam,
dekat SJKCC Serdang, ada MPO workshop
And like TKWO,yang dtg were like 7 of us
it was so Awesome,
At first,the briefed about whats going to happen
that day.
So,we started with sectionals.The whole thingie,
only ada 3 Saxoponists
Sikit gilaa..tu pun
K Aisyah, Atiqah and me.
and i was the ONLY tenor !
Saxophones tak ada instructor so we join
OBOE.like yeahh, I nak je terbang amik k farah!
haha,anyway, We practiced this one lagu
and at the end of the workshop,
we combined and formed a HUGE group of band.
AWESOME gilaa !
So we played..best heck
i just couldn't believe that I, could play
i mean,we're talking about me !
that was so awesomeee <3
Oh,and waktu break,we were like nak makan
pun takut,so like we just sat there
suddenly Cikgu dia like bagi us the
Green kuih with kelapa in it,
then bagi kuih lapis or whatever
and the they gave us TARTS !
SUMPAH sedap <3
oh oh, and waktu balik..
k maisarah was like,
"Tanakk cakap ap2 ke?(to imran)"
and i was like,
"ckp hi je laa "
and she was like laughing and and
after that dia dtg balik and she was like
"EH,farisha! imran dalam kereta !"
and i was like, SHIT! xDD
OH,and there this one oboe dude,like
tolong me playy,
AHH,i hope ada lagi workshops like this;DD
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Oh My God!
Back Street Boys and New Kids On the Block
are so HAWT!
I want to marry them so badly :DD
God,i love them <3 !!
They're OLD i know but check them out
at the
American Music Awards 2010
Believe me,you would
GOSH,i'm being out of control
relax faer,Chill~
kan,kan, MISH?!
yea,yea,you're NOT GAY,i get it,but still!
you have to LOVE them
Friday, 26 November 2010
Anugerah UPSR xDD
Heyy PEOPLE,sorry hadn't write fr like days dah
today i got this ANUGERAH UPSR 2009 Crap.Its like so embarassing =.=
dah lah End Of Year 2010 baru nak bagi anugerah 2009..
macam ngeng je.Whatever lah.
Oh semalam i bought a music stand,all because my instructor,Alberto.
Was pretty sad that day because I didn't have a music stand-.- LOL.
So I beli lah..and i bought 3 reeds size 3(k farah suruh)
Yea,yea.. i'm kind of bosan you know.
and lately i've been BUGGED.
so sibuk lah that person.
Oh,oh.. and I'm mad.I hate my boyfiee.well,to be honest,
fed up.
Like whateves.
So like,yalah..next time we'll sambung okay?Byes! Don't miss me^^
today i got this ANUGERAH UPSR 2009 Crap.Its like so embarassing =.=
dah lah End Of Year 2010 baru nak bagi anugerah 2009..
macam ngeng je.Whatever lah.
Oh semalam i bought a music stand,all because my instructor,Alberto.
Was pretty sad that day because I didn't have a music stand-.- LOL.
So I beli lah..and i bought 3 reeds size 3(k farah suruh)
Yea,yea.. i'm kind of bosan you know.
and lately i've been BUGGED.
so sibuk lah that person.
Oh,oh.. and I'm mad.I hate my boyfiee.well,to be honest,
fed up.
Like whateves.
So like,yalah..next time we'll sambung okay?Byes! Don't miss me^^
Quotes ;]
Forget the times he walked by,Forget the times he made you cry.
Forget the times he spoke your name,Remember now you're not the same.
Forget the times he held your hand,Forget the sweet things if you can.
Forget the times & dont pretend,Remember now,he's just your friend
If someone you love hurt you cried river,
Build a bridge and get it over
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Imran :)
A Friend is a Treasure A friend is someone we turn to,when
our spirits need a lift.A friend is someone we treasure,for our
friendship is a gift.A friend is someone who fills our lives,with
beauty, joy and grace.And make the world we live in,a better
and happier place... ;)
-Imran Hakim-
Thanks a Lot Im,you lit up my world already :)
Best SBP friends :D LOL
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imran :p |
Monday, 22 November 2010
Band members form one,we rock TKWO
we've been through thick and thin,
but we're still together,
we wont leave TKWO without having
FIRST formers
we're proud as everyone knows
we're band members,
just by one swift of a look,
believe me,
They Know.
so,guys,im sorry if,
through out the whole year,
i've been harsh on you guys.
I just want for the Best.
and yeah,I know,
that we all Can Do It!
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Look at our Kakak Kakaks' happy faces..that will be on our face too! |
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We want this aite?Work Hard starting now! |
Show all the other schools,
we can!
"kita kan tkc,kita boleh buat ape2 sahaja"
(:all the best
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