
Don't Judge . Just Read .

Sunday, 19 December 2010


i know you miss me :) *wink,wink
Well, everyone keep asking when i nak update this friggin' blog, so like YEA...

act, the reason i tak update is
1) malas
2) malas
3) still, malas

i have gazillions of stories, but i wasnt in the MOOD.
anyway, well,

i pergi this one camp agama, for three weeks,
at first i thot the idea of going there was dumb.
and now, since camp dah habis, everyday i teringat
all the ustaz and my new friends there :'(
it was act fun :DD like really !
the second last day, there's sukaneka Day.
and for the first time in my Awesome life, i main those
cari gula dalam tepung thingie, and instead of blowing the
tepung to find gula-gula, the tepung accidentally filled my 
mouth and God! was it terrible xP
i nak nangis je rasa the tepung ><
And we had KFC for jamuan class :D
we never had jamuan class in TKC :O
then, waktu petang, dad bawak us to Bukit Tinggi (:
i pening ohh waktu naik bukit, so Dizzy onee @_@

:DD p/s; i hate tepung -.-

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