
Don't Judge . Just Read .

Thursday, 18 November 2010

The Dude

The Dude

heyy people,yeahh..this one 'dude' enn,He's like so AWESOME:)
and if he ask you to NOT do that particular thing,dont! he's always right
believe me:D oh,and any probs,see him lahh..he's baik bytheway :))

He's not HOT or UGLY in that kind of way,
but he's just..ATTRACTIVE..haha
(jangan kembang)

Oh,and he plays guitar..
i pernah dengar him play..he's really good at it too..

OH,OH,and damn is he jealous of JustinAwesomeBieber
bhahaha! how could HE ckap JB mukaa ANNOYING.

it's like,he's a PENEMAN-er
i chat with him until pagi2 butaa..haha
(damn i tak tau nk tulis what else)

I dont know what else to write..nanti i tulis pasal 
diaa next time! ahaha~!

Justin Bieber's mortal enemy,,

OH,forgot to mention his name..