
Don't Judge . Just Read .

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Lovely Marc.

Okay, if you guys are like wondering who the hell Marc is,
Its my Tenor Sax. I named it after Marc because its GAY-ish ;)
No Offense .
Okay, thats not EXACTLY Marc. But sheesh.Its purple, And GAY ;)

Anyway. My Marc rosak. As in, tak boleh tekan Note F.
then pergi hantar repair.
And the person cakap semalam, Dia dah repair note F tu
Tapi, dia kata, bila dia tengok.
Banyak gila lagi buttons yang tak tutup rapat.
So dia kata, kalau nak dia service the whole body, 
It'll cost RM400 -.-
Like, Pfft. baik beli instrument baru = ='

So yeahh, imma pick my Marc up petang ni,maybe :)
I'm already starting to miss him :\

See you, Marc!

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