
Don't Judge . Just Read .

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Mesin Gedegang !

The Stupid est Vending Machine ever invented =='

I pergi Shopping mall dengan ibu dekat Jusco.Then i wanted to buy a purse.So mum left me as she went to pick up my brothers,Then i pergi laa cari.All the purses all looked like they're worth to be sell at PasarMalam only.
I mean, Seriously speaking -.-'' Synthetic leathers The smell of cheap materials.It disgusts me.
Yeah, i know i'm picky,Pfft. So what ?I was not really in the mood.
Anyway, then i waited lama gila . My brothers sempat lagi pergi shopping =='
I dah start moody daa.Then dekat parking lot,ada a vending machine.'GEDEGG' as we call it :)
I was goddamn thirsty so i inserted 2Bucks.Nak tekan the buttons punya lah lama.
The buttons fuckingly pissed me off.Then bila dah dapat tekan, the bottle pun jatuh laa.
And guess what ? It got stuck -.-'' and Say Byebye to my precious 2 Bucks -.-''
Then mum called the distributer (Don't know how to spell)
And the person top up kan my number (:

P/S; Sorry for the swearings ! x(

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