
Don't Judge . Just Read .

Monday 5 September 2011


Well , my topic in this post may seems kind of harsh .
i just had it ! Okay ? i'm not some toy you could toy around .
i'm a freaking HUMAN being . like you . What? You think you're so great, huh ?
i'm always being used . Why ? To get popularity ? i guess so .
Tolong lah . Wake up !
Popularity won't bring you anywhere ;/
Look , i'm not saying you have to be all so Low-profiled all the time .
But , just . Please , don't abuse your friends to catch popularity .
Then, dump them as if the're strangers ? Ohh .
Kacang lupakan kulit ? More like to be .
Dah . You're like the top of the list . And now, you're blocking me ?
Hmmph . Gila mengenang budi bhaai -.-"
Aku ada perasan jugak . like i said before . i'm a normal human being .
Just like you . What's the diff ? Pfft . Tolonglaaah .
i dont give a shit laa kau block aku ke apa .
Tapi aku terasa . Go die laa .
I've had it with guys with their sweet talks . Untrustable . Thats the word .
Cermin lah diri anda . Tak adalah se hotstuff mana . Perasan laa .
Haihh . Whatever laa kau nak buat . I just want you to know, that i dont like getting played .

Siapa terasa . Haihh . Nasib lah .

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